The academic year is of twelve months duration from April to March. It is divided into two terms. The first term is from April to September and the second term from October to March of the subsequent year. School offers kinder Garten classes (LKG and UKG) for the children below 6 yrs. and classes I-XII.
All rules of the school is subjected to the Affiliation Byelaws and Examination Byelaws of CBSE.
Promotion is granted on the basis of the grade in the certificate of school based evaluation. A minimum attendance of 75% of the total working days of the academic year is compulsory for promotion.
- 1. Students who wish to leave should do so at the end of the year if possible or at the end of the term.
- 2. Three months notice in writing must be given or else the fees for the following quarter will be charged. Such notice should be given in writing by the parent/guardian and not by the student himself/herself.
- 3. The Transfer Certificate will not be issued until the fees and other dues are paid
- 4. To obtain the Transfer Certificate the parent must submit a written application at least 10 days in advance.
- 1. Students must come to the school regularly punctually and dressed in the prescribed uniform.
- 2. All students must attend the morning prayer and assembly and should be in their class rooms before the second bell is given.
- 3. No student shall be absent from the class without permission of the Principal In case where the absence is due to unavoidable reasons, an application for leave duly countersigned by the parent/guardian must be submitted to the Principal that day or the next day.
- 4. As regular attendance is an important element for successful work, a prior sanction of leave when required must be obtained, Prolonged absence for more than a week due "to sickness must be supported by proper Medical Certificate. Prizes will be awarded for 100% attendance at the end of each year.
- 5. Failure to answer assignments, irregularity of attendance, any misconduct on the part of the student shall entail him/her to such disciplinary action as may be decided by the Principal.
- 1.Students should be simple and modest in their dress.
- 2. Gold ornaments should not be worn.
- 3. Care should be taken to keep the campus clean.
- 4. Students must be courteous to the members of the staff and are expected to greet them when they meet them first.
- 5. Without the permission of the Principal, no one should visit students or interview the teacher during class hours.
- 6. Students coming to school with untidy dress, uncut hair and nails will be refused to enter the classroom.
- 7. Students must abide by the rules and regulations or as amended from time to time.
- 8. The Principal has the right to expel the student from the school on grounds of indiscipline or for any breach of aforesaid rules of discipline without further explanation.
- 9. Parents should attend the parent teacher meeting whenever it is convened.
- 10. Parents are expected to check their children's diary daily and they are requested to encourage their children to take part in all curricular and extra curricular activities in the school.
- 11. Parents are requested to take any complaint direct to the authorities not to the class teacher.